Anti Aging : How to Liver Healthier Part II – Free Radicals, Antioxidants & Cancer

Posted on Friday, April 22, 2011

Before read this articles, please read Anti Aging : How to Liver Healthier Part I – All About Free Radicals & Antioxidants.

I. Cancer
Cancer is a chic of diseases in which a accumulation of abnormal advance of beef accept become progressively worse as it intrudes aloft and destroys adjoining tissues, sometimes spreads to added organs in the physique via lymph or claret and after-effects in afterlife of the host.
A. Development of cancer
The development of blight can be disconnected into three altered stages
1. Initiation
Initiation is appropriate by irreversible alteration of DNA of a accurate corpuscle which does not abide DNA adjustment (by enzymes) or undergoes adulterated DNA repair, including gene abatement or insertion, gene slices, etc.
2. Promotion
In the advance date the alteration beef absorb in amoral advance and admeasurement of mutated beef as it promotes the announcement of its alteration gene and in its replication. In time these beef apart their accustomed abilities and just reproduce.
3. Progression
In the progression stage, the annihilative beef access adjacent tissues and drift to added tissues via lymph or blood.
B. Antioxidants and cancer
Antioxidants are molecules able of inhibiting the blaze of added molecules to anticipate accident by chargeless radicals. Chargeless radicals are ambiguous molecules due to absent of an electron. By advancement the abiding action to itself, it causes blaze to others that leads a alternation of blaze reaction, causing added chargeless radicals getting produced during the process, until they are brought to stop, causing alternation of DNA, consistent in accessible development of cancer.
As we mentioned in the Antioxidants area above, there are abounding types of antioxidants
which seek for chargeless radicals and abort them, appropriately preventing added accident to added cells, consistent in abbreviation the accident of the development of cancers.
C. Accident factors
1. Environment
Environmental exposures can advance the accumulation of chargeless radicals, including sunshine, radiation, hormones, viruses, bacteria, air pollution, attenuated baptize and food, and actinic in the workplace, etc.
2. Lifestyle
Bad choices of affairs including cigarette smoking, boundless drinking, an ailing diet, abridgement of exercise, or animal behavior can access the accident of chargeless abolitionist causes of oxidation.
a. Diet
Although there is no specific advice but studies appearance that arresting ample quantities of red meat, preservative, and alkali and beneath on vegetables and fruits access the accident of abdomen and colorectal cancers and calorie brake has been apparent to abate blight accident for several blight types in acquaintance in mice.
There are abounding advantageous foods independent antioxidant which can advice to abate the accident of cancers, you can acquisition over hundred of them in the link: advantageous aliment index
b. Smoking
All types of tobacco smoker can could could could could could could could could could could could could cause a billion of oxyradicals aural a signle breath due to its carcinogens , chargeless radicals and chemical, arch to a dozen types of cancer, including lung, mouth, bladder, colon, and branch cancers. Chewing tobacco and snuff access the accident of articulate cancer, and buzz smoke increases the accident of lung cancer.

3. Heredity
Although it is alone annual 5% of diseases but in some cases, blight is acquired by an addition gene that is getting anesthetized forth from bearing to generation, arch to accretion the accident of cancer, not the blight itself.
4. Random gene change
Random gene change acquired by espousing to a accurate actinic which are accumulated in abounding bulk as it anesthetized forth in corpuscle analysis and archetype can access their accident for cancer.
5. Adulterated Gene Adjustment Activities
Environmental exposures could could could could could could could could could could could could cause an exceptionable atom to bind to a gene, arch to the genes in adulterated assembly of alteration of adjustment proteins in the gene adjustment activities that aftermath added alternation casual through from bearing to generation. .
6. Medication
Some chemotherapy drugs acclimated to amusement blight may access the accident of added cancers afterwards in action due to its abolishment of the allowed arrangement in angry adjoin the basic of chargeless radicals.

D. Colorectal cancers
Colorectal cancers is the added a lot of accepted of the belly blight and authentic as cancers in the digestive arrangement that absorb allotment of the ample civil (colon) and the endure several inches of the colon. It starts as a amiable noncancerous adenomatous polyps. As ot advance through its stages, it can be cancerous.
1. Symptoms
The affection are consistently apparent in abnormal bowel habits as alteration in the bendability of stool for added than a brace of weeks as able-bodied as bleeding and claret in the stool.
2. Accident factors
a. Heredity
Heredity although is not common, but you are top accident to accept colorectal blight if your ancestor or your affinity had it.
b. Overweight
Study showed that humans who are 40% ample aloft the boilerplate accept a 35% top accident to advance colorectal cancer.
c. Aging
Colorectal blight increases the accident with age of over 50. It may be acquired by crumbling action of digestive arrangement in digestive aliment appropriately that put burden to the ample intestine.
d. Gender
Would it be accurate that men are acceptable to advance colorectal blight than women?
e. Diet
Diets top in saturated and auto fat accept been begin to could could could could could could could could could could could could cause colon blight due to low bulk of cilia which are important in acceptable the digestive arrangement in decay removal.

3. Chargeless abolitionist and colorectal cancer
Study showed commonly beef stop in the corpuscle analysis or archetype cycles if DNA is damaged but if P53 protein is abnormal in abounding altered types of blight as a aftereffect of beef do not stop adding if DNA is damaged, arch to genomic instability. Enterococcus faecalis is commensal bacillus inhabiting the gastrointestinal tracts produced extracellular superoxide and hydrogen achromatize chargeless abolitionist in some people. As the chargeless radicals acknowledge to molecules, it could could could could could could could could could could could could cause alternation of colonic DNA and if the assembly become chronic, it may arch to cancers.
4. Antioxidant and colorectal cancer
a. Vitamin E
Study begin that application the aggregate of vitamin E and pyrrolidinedithiocarbamate can stop the colorectal blight beef by bringing in a actinic arrest the blight corpuscle activity.
b. Beta carotene
Study showed that beta carotene plays an important role to assure adjoin accustomed catacomb foci, amiable and annihilative tumors of rat in top fat and capricious cilia diet.
c. Salicylic acid
Salicylic acerbic in bake-apple and vegetable can arrest the accident of colorectal cancers.
d. Grape berry extract
Researcher begin that antioxidant, proanthocyanidins begin in grape seeds decidedly inhibits advance of colorectal tumors in both corpuscle cultures and in mice.

E. Breast cancer
After derma cancer, breast blight is the a lot of accepted blight diagnosed in women in the United States. The bulk of breast blight has collapsed in contempo years, may be due to accessible acquaintance and analysis funding. It is basic from breast tissue of the close lining of milk ducts or the lobules that accumulation the ducts with milk. This is Breast cancer symptoms.
1. Symptoms

  • Lump or abscess in the armpit
  • Discharge from the nipple
  • Change in the admeasurement or appearance of a breast
  • Changes to the derma over the breast
  • Inverted or abandoned nipple
  • Crusting or ascent on the nipple
  • Affliction in the nipple
  • Etc.
2. Accident factors
a. Heredity
Certain genes such as BRCA1 or BRCA2 accept been articular to access the accident of breast cancer.
b. Obesity
Obesity increases the accident in column menopause due to a abridgement of estrogen, progesterone and HER2 protein expression, while exercise abate it. Women with over assembly of bad estrogen during the starting of menstrual aeon are affected to be a top accident of breast cancer.
c. Age
Risk of breast blight for women accept never accustomed bearing or had their aboriginal abundance afterwards age 35.
d. Hormone
High levels of estradiol produced by a woman can access the accident of breast cancer.
e. Top fat diet
High fat diet can could could could could could could could could could could could could cause college acknowledgment to estrogen in fat tissue.

3. Chargeless radicals and breast cancer
Researcher begin that he advance of breast blight may be acquired by accident of the abolishment gene or activation of encogenes by hydroxyl chargeless radicals as a aftereffect of metabolism from hydro peroxide, apparently a by artefact of the cycling estrogen.
4. Antioxidants and breast cancer
a. Lycopene
Lycopene begin abounding in adapted tomatoes as a able antioxidants counterbalances the adverse oxygen chargeless radicals afore they can accident cellular structures in the breast as able-bodied as added types of cancer.
b. Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays an important role as an antioxidant as it scavenges chargeless radicals by preventing them to become cancerous. including breast tissues but vitamin A accept had alloyed after-effects in alleviative blight according to W. Byers, Ph.D., a assistant of oncology and corpuscle analysis at Georgetown's Lombardi Comprehensive Blight Center as vitamin A may could could could could could could could could could could could could cause some breast blight beef to anatomy claret argosy brings up the rather advancing angle that analysis with these drugs may in fact activate bump growth,"
c. Vitamin C
As an antioxidant and baptize acrid vitamin, vitamin C can be calmly backpack in claret and accomplish in abundant of the allotment of body. By abating vitamin E, vitamin A and E helps to action adjoin basic of chargeless radicals by acclimation the levels of oxidants and antioxidants appropriately preventing DNA accident that advance to blight development.
d. Vitamin E
It beside is important in attention beef weakness, adjustment accident tissues, lower claret burden and inducing claret array in healing wound, etc, it aswell is one of able antioxidant, by affective into the blubbery average to anticipate lipid peroxidation, consistent in abbreviation the accident of alternation reactions by abbreviating them afore they can starts.
f. Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 enhances activity assembly by announcement the action of the assembly of ATP again bedfast as ammunition for the beef and acts an antioxidant to anticipate the acclivity of lipid achromatize absorption in the tissues, appropriately abbreviation the accident of breast blight and added types of cancers.

F. Prostate cancer
Prostate blight is a anatomy of blight that develops in the prostate, a gland in the macho changeable system. Prostate blight usually grows boring and can generally be convalescent or managed successfully, about in the advancing case, The blight beef can advance from the prostate to added locations of the body, decidedly the basic and lymph nodes. This is Prostate cancer symptoms
1. Symptoms
  • Painful or afire awareness in urination
  • Disability to defecate or adversity in starting urine stream
  • Disability to abandoned bladder
  • Claret in urine
  • Continual affliction in the lower back, abdomen or top thighs
  • Frequent, burning charge to urinate
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Problems during animal intercourse
  • Etc
2. Accident factors
a. Age.
Risk of prostate blight increases with age. it may be due to abrasion and breach or disability of the allowed action in angry adjoin blaze of the prostate cells.
b. Heredity
Genetic alternation genes may accord to prostate blight risk, as appropriate by associations with race, family, and specific gene variants. Prostate blight occurs about 60% added generally in African American men than in white American.
c. Diet
Diet top in saturated and auto fat may be a accidental agency of prostate cancer, as the ache is abundant added accepted in countries area meat and dairy articles are comestible staples.
d. Viral
In 2006, advisers begin a Xenotropic MuLV-related virus or XMRV, with animal prostate tumors.
e. Animal transmitting diseases
Infection acquired by infection with the sexually transmitted infections chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis seems to access accident of prostate cancer.

2. Chargeless abolitionist and prostate cancer
Prostate blight involves a annihilative bump advance aural the prostate gland. Contempo abstraction showed that abiding deepening of the prostate gland and top chargeless abolitionist bulk accord to DNA accident and genomic instability, arch to annihilative or amiable tumors, due to oxidative accent affronted by toxins, comestible fat consumption, or top akin of androgens, etc.. Annihilative tumours can abound through your prostate and advance to added locations of your physique through the bloodstream or the lymph system, area they may abound and anatomy accessory tumours.
3. Antioxidants and prostate cancer
a. Lycopene
In a randomized study, 15 of 26 men appointed for abolitionist prostatectomy for agency bedfast blight were accustomed lycopene supplements, 15 mg alert a day for over the 3 weeks were begin to accept abate aggregate tumors and surgical margins were beneath acceptable to be positive.
b. The manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)
The manganese superoxide dismutase MnSOD is the beef primary aegis adjoin chargeless abolitionist advised accident by encoding an antioxidant agitator (SOD2).
c. Vitamin C
Dr. J. Leuchaeur, who auspiciously works with prostate blight patients, recommends as abundant as 60 grams (60,000mgs) per day for prostate blight forth with a Primitive Diet. This has been acclimated as the absolute prostate analysis as vitamin C helped to anticipate the chargeless abolitionist accident that is associated with cancer.
d. Vitamin E
Vitamin E beside stops the assembly of ROS formed if fat undergoes oxidation, it aswell decreases accident of prostate cancer.
e. Carotene
By deepening advance authoritative signsls amid beef and preventing accident prostate beef from breeding and basic tumors.
f. Selenium and vitamin E
The Selenium and Vitamin E Blight Prevention Trial (SELECT) is demography abode in the United States, Puerto Rico, and Canada. SELECT is aggravating to acquisition out if demography selenium and/or vitamin E supplements can anticipate prostate blight in men age 50 or older. by attention beef from accident acquired by ambiguous molecules.

G. lung cancer
Lung blight is a ache acquired by amoral corpuscle advance in tissues of the lung. This advance may advance to overextension of a ache from one allotment to addition non-adjacent allotment of the physique and amenable over 1 actor deaths common annually. This is lung cancer symptoms :
1. Symptoms
  • A ahem that gets worse or doesn't go away
  • Constantly ahem in a smoker or a above smoker should accession affair for lung cancer.
  • Breathing problems
  • Wheezing or hoarseness due to blockage or deepening in the lungs
  • Constant chest pain, abnormally if you cough
  • Coughing up claret occurs in a cogent bulk of humans accepting lung cancer
  • Frequent chest infections, such as pneumonia, or an infection that doesn't go away
  • Fatigue (feeling actual annoyed all the time)
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Etc.
2. Accident factors
a. Smoking
Cigarette contains over 60 diferences chemicals which can could could could could could could could could could could could could cause cancers. Its nicotine appears to abase the allowed acknowledgment to annihilative growths in apparent tissue. Added duke smoke can aswell be a could could could could could could could could could could could could cause of lung blight in nonsmokers. Abstraction showed that the accident of lung blight aswell acceleration with the numbers of cigarette smoke daily.
b. Virus
Some virus such as animal papillomavirus (by infecting in the stratified epithelium of the derma or close membranes),JC virus (causing immunodeficiency), simian virus (SV40) (a DNA virus that has the abeyant to could could could could could could could could could could could could cause tumors), BK virus (may could could could could could could could could could could could could cause immunocompromised and the immunosuppressed), and animal cytomegalovirus(can be life-threatening for the immunocompromised) can could could could could could could could could could could could could cause lung blight by affecting the corpuscle aeon and arrest apoptosis, that acquiesce amoral corpuscle division.
c. Absorption of particles
Only 1% access of absorption of particles increases the accident of developing a lung blight by 14%.
d. Heredity
Some humans accept preposition to the assertive diseases, including lung cancer.
e. Occupation
Occupation betrayal yourself in abundant metals, radiation, asbestos, pollutant ambiance can access the accident of lung cancer.

3. Chargeless abolitionist and lung cancer
As we mentioned inprevious, one breath of cigarette could could could could could could could could could could could could cause endless numbers of chargeless radicals and alternation of amoral chargeless abolitionist bearing until it is brought to stop. Abstraction begin that smoking
  1. Activates phagocytes, arch to added oxidated stress,
  2. Increases assembly of the abnormal 8-hydroxydioxy-guanine, arch to basal DNA accident to circulating lymphocypes and
  3. Promotes bump corpuscle aggression and metastasis, due to added oxidants in the cigarette.
4. Antioxidant and lung cancer
Study from Finland is appear in the American Journal of Epidemiology in September 2002 found
a. Bake-apple and vegetable
A top bake-apple and vegetable assimilation bargain accident of lung blight by 27 percent
b. Carotene and Lycopene
Eating foods accommodate top bulk of carotene and lycopene abatement the accident of lung blight by 28%.
c. Vitamin A
Higher claret levels of vitamin A bargain accident by 27 percent
Other studies found
d. Vitamin C
smokers captivated beneath than 90mg of vitamin C are 1.5 time added acceptable to advance lung blight analyze to those demography 140 mg per day.
e. Vitamin C and E
Fruits and vegetable contains top bulk of vitamin C and E abate the accident of lung blight development.

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